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Professional Resume

My Experience

Bachelor of Nursing Science at Universitas Indonesia. As a professional in my field, I have had the opportunity to work on a variety of projects, some traditional and others outside the box. All of this has helped me become the person I am today, which is why I hold it in such high regard. On top of that, I am really keen on women and children's health. Want to know more? Get in touch with me today.

Founder of Seed for Children

April 2021 - present

Seed for Children is a pain killer for child sexual abuse and vitamins of sexuality education for children. A social enterprise that provides sexuality education through gamification to eradicate child sexual abuse nationally & globally. Seed for Children have been partnered with Future Females Foundation.

General Nurse Practitioner - RSUD Tarakan Jakarta

April 2019 - Present

Since April 2019 to March 2020, I worked in pediatric ward, took care of children, provided basic needs, medication, and did nursing care plan for patients whose aged 1 month to 17 years old. On April 2020, I moved in to emergency room, took care of patients with emergency cases and performed basic life saving and emergency nursing care. I moved back to pediatric ward on November 2020 and finally I am working in neonatal and perinatal wards which has been started from January 2021, taking care of the newborn and premature babies.


Club President - Huntsman Indonesia Toastmasters Club

July 2021 - Present

to provide helpful, supportive leadership for all of the club’s activities and be the first to assume responsibility for the progress and welfare of the club. I motivate, make peace and facilitate as required. Though I occasionally step in and make a difficult decision, rarely do so without consulting club members and other club officers. Strive to show respect for all members and provide leadership for all.

Vice President Education - Huntsman Indonesia Toastmasters Club

July 2020 -  June 2021

As Vice President Education, I schedule members’ speeches, verify the completion of projects, and serve as a resource for questions about the education program, speech contests, and club mentor program. I am an important source of Toastmasters knowledge for club members.

Secretary - Huntsman Indonesia Toastmasters Club

July 2019 - June 2020

I maintain all club records, manage club files, handle club correspondence, and take the minutes at each club and Executive Committee meeting. I am also in charge of updating and distributing a roster of the current paid membership and keeping the club officer list current for Toastmasters International.

Research Assistant - Faculty of Nursing Universitas Indonesia

Assisting research about Information and Communication Technology, particularly the application which is related to teaching hospital. I collected and managed the data and some administrations.

2016 - 2017

For further details about my professional history, contact me today.

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Thomas Edison

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